AI Developers
“AI Developers” is a technical community, established to cultivate developers AI development skills. The group focuses on enhancing expertise, through active participation in the community activities and partnership sessions with IOM Tech partners, to develop scalable AI solutions.
Members who make significant contributions, would play a pivotal role and contribute directly into developing AI-powered solutions for IOM, sharing their experience and knowledge with UN innovation community, AI Developers community practice adhering to industry standards, and fostering innovation aligned with organizational objectives in AI Era.
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AI Developers
Why take part?
Great solutions may get the chance to be implemented Chance to network and work hand in hand with like-minded IOM staff from all over the world
Opportunity to learn from others and enhance your skill-set
Opportunity to showcase your skill-set
AI Developers Group Aspects:
Pair with someone or as individuals
Create prototype for one the agent proposed by the AI Champion group
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